OppNex is a service firm providing consultation on technical and operational matters to solve problems in operations management, technical operations, and to support client's capital projects by serving as Owner Representatives. The company provides subject matter expertise coupled with collaborative multidiscipline team thinking to help deliver a manufacturer's value to its respective markets.
Our company is positioned to meet a variety of underserved talent, skill, and leadership based needs in various US manufacturing industries. These services include but are not limited to:
Feasibility reports and conceptual plans
Economic and cost modeling around processes or production
Analysis of operations or processes
Vendor or supplier qualification
Changes in operations or supply chain policy
Process or technical production models/case studies
Project management administration
Owner's Representative services
Technical problem solving
Technical operations advisement and administration
OppNex has developed a network of subject matter experts from industry, as well as a network of industry innovators. We bring these networks together to compose project teams who are independent from corporate culture and influence. By approaching the project with a “fresh-set-of-eyes” perspective they can solve many complex and seemingly impossible problems.
The problem-solving ability of these expert teams, who are uniquely comprised by OppNex via its network and selection process, will help clients achieve their desired outcome and generate value where the greatest return on investment is appreciated.
The OppNex network of independent subject-matter-expert network is comprised of:
Operational Excellence/Continuous Improvement experts
Lean Six Sigma experts
Former executives & leaders
Operations Management experts
Supply chain & logistic experts
Manufacturing equipment experts
Engineers: Chemical, Mechanical, Industrial
Industrial Controls & Automation
Training Coaches
Organizational development experts
OppNex’s service model creates benefit for clients at all phases of the manufacturing life cycle from value proposition to distribution. This includes the transfer of technology from lab scale to pilot plant, and from pilot to manufacturing plant. Our clients fall into the following categories:
Large Corporate Organizations - Publicly Held
Private Equity Owned & Managed Companies
Private/Family Owned & Managed Companies